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Date: 28-2-2020
Date: 28-2-2020
Date: 5-3-2020
To achieve a continuous beam of laser light a four-level laser is required.
Here, the lower laser level is not the ground state. As a result, even a pump that may not be very efficient could produce population inversion, so long as the upper level of the laser transition is longer lived than the lower level. Of course, all attempts are made to design a pump that maximizes the number of excited atoms. A typical four-level laser is the helium-neon (He-Ne) gas laser. In these lasers electric pumping excites helium atoms to an excited state whose energy is roughly the same as the upper short-lived state in the neon atom. The sole purpose of the helium atoms is to exchange energy with neon atoms via collisional excitation. As it turns out, this is a very efficient way of getting neon atoms to lase.
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