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Date: 12-1-2022
Date: 18-7-2022
Date: 19-5-2022
categorical perception
A term used in PHONETICS and PSYCHOLINGUISTICS to refer to a class of discontinuities in the labelling and discrimination of items along ACOUSTIC PHONETIC continua. Subjects typically perceive differences in stimuli between those items that are labelled as belonging to different categories; but increasing the sensitivity of the measures allows some awareness of differences within the same category.
دون أهمية غذائية.. هذا ما تفعله المشروبات السكرية بالصحة
المنظمة العربية للطاقة تحذر من خطر.. وهذه الدولة تتميز بجودة نفطها
لمجمع العلمي يقيم دورات ومحافل لتعزيز الثقافة القرآنية ونشر تعاليمها