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Date: 21-1-2022
Date: 27-8-2018
Date: 16-1-2022
The action of inorganic oxidizing and reducing agents on organic compounds may involve electron transfers that produce radical or radical ionic species. Ferrous ion, for example, catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide ( Fenton's reagent ) and organic peroxides. In some cases the radical intermediates formed in this manner are sufficiently stable to be studied in the absence of oxygen. The phenoxy radical formed in the second equation below is one such species, Würster's salt ( third equation ) is another.
The alkali metals lithium, sodium and potassium reduce the carbonyl group of ketones to a deep blue radical anion called a "ketyl", shown in the following illustration. Subsequent chemical reactions of these useful intermediates are discussed elsewhere.
علاج جفاف وتشقق القدمين.. مستحضرات لها نتائج فعالة
الإمارات.. تقنية رائدة لتحويل الميثان إلى غرافين وهيدروجين
سماحة السيد الصافي يؤكد دعم العتبة العباسية المقدسة للباحثين والحراك العلمي الذي يسهم في خدمة المجتمع