المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

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منذ 21 ساعة   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/٢٣ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: I am amazed at the heart of man: It possesses the substance of wisdom as well as the opposites contrary to it ... for if hope arises in it, it is brought low by covetousness: and if covetousness is aroused in it, greed destroys it.
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منذ 21 ساعة   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/٢٣ م
What’s more, a large study in more than 124,000 people associated an increased intake of anthocyanin-rich foods, such as purple carrots, with greater weight loss in both men and women.

Purple carrots are highly nutritious and low in calories. Replacing high-calorie, processed foods with more vegetable-based dishes may help you lose weight.
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منذ يومين   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/٢٢ م
Purple carrots are a good source of soluble fiber, which helps reduce your appetite and food intake by increasing hormones that produce feelings of fullness like peptide YY.

A study in 100 women found that those who ate 1.6 cups (200 grams) of whole carrots at lunch felt significantly fuller and ate significantly less throughout the rest of the day compared to women who did not eat whole carrots.
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منذ 3 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/٢١ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said:The one who has an intellect finds harshness of life amongst persons of intellect more agreeable than a life of ease amongst the foolish.
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منذ 4 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/٢٠ م
May Promote Weight Loss

Population studies demonstrate that people who eat vegetable-rich diets tend to weigh less than people who eat fewer vegetables.

This is because vegetables like carrots are low in calories yet highly nutritious, making them a weight-loss-friendly food.

Replacing high-calorie, processed snacks and meals with vegetable-based meals and snacks can help reduce your overall calorie intake and lead to healthy weight loss.
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منذ 4 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/٢٠ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: The one who has an intellect does not openly display it except in one of two situations: when he is furthest away from seeking something in the world, and when he is furthest away from abandoning it.
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منذ 5 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/١٩ م
A review of ten studies in 141,187 women associated a high intake of all types of carrots with a 21% decreased risk of breast cancer.

What’s more, diets high in vegetables in general — including carrots — have been linked to an overall reduced risk of cancer.

Eating purple carrots may reduce your risk of certain types of cancer including colon and breast cancer.
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منذ 5 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/١٩ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: The intellect is what arrives at what is correct through reasoning, and recognizes what has not yet happened through what has already taken place.
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منذ 7 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/١٧ م
A study in 923 people with colorectal cancer and in 1,846 people without cancer noted that women with high intakes of purple vegetables and fruits had a lower risk of colorectal cancer than women who ate less purple produce.

Other studies show similar results in both men and women.

Additionally, research suggests that diets high in all types of carrots may protect against breast cancer.
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منذ 1 اسبوع   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٤/١٦ م
May Have Anticancer Effects
Studies show that the potent antioxidants found in purple carrots possess cancer-fighting properties.

A 12-week study in which rats were exposed to a cancer-promoting compound found that rats fed a diet supplemented with purple carrot extract had less cancerous development than those on a normal diet.

Similarly, test-tube studies observe that anthocyanins may inhibit the growth and spread of breast, liver, skin, blood, and colon .. Read more
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  • شروط النشر
    • نلفت عناية المشاركين الأعزاء الى :
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المسيئة للأديان والرموز المقدسة .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المتضمنة لألفاظٍ خادشةٍ للآداب والذوق العام .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المُحرّضة على العنف وإذكاء النعرات .
    - قبل إرسالكَ المنشور ، تذكّر قوله تعالى : (مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ)

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